[ubuntu-uk] Laptop Choices

Josh Blacker jkblacker at gmail.com
Tue May 13 21:29:10 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 21:02 +0100, Jai Harrison wrote, among other
>  The laptop should be decent with
> said things for the next 3 years (my bachelor's degree course length).
> Jai

I would recommend Dell, as many others have done. I bought an Inspiron
6000 at the beginning of my last year of sixth form and it is still
going strong (if with very diminished battery life, as can be expected)
at the end of my 2nd year of university (three years now - no gap
year!). I did have a hard drive failure, but this fortunately fell under
warranty and if you don't have back-ups in case of this possibility
you're a silly person in the first place. 

The build quality is decent, although as my flatmate has discovered with
his Inspiron (a newer model), they don't particularly like being dropped
all the time - it still works fine, but the screen hinge is now a bit
dodgy. (Plus it still has Windows on it, of course.)

Can't say anything about the Ubuntu Dells, but I wouldn't say no to a
new Dell when the time comes for me to get a new machine.

Hope that helps!
All the best,
Josh Blacker

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