[ubuntu-uk] Program Development

Stephen Garton sheepeatingtaz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 07:43:57 GMT 2008

2008/12/24 Renjith Nair <renjith4 at gmail.com>:
> Hi Jai,
> Eclipse is still a good bet for all these requirements if you are developing
> in Java. I am not so sure about the PHP  support as i haven't used eclipse
> for editing php.  If your are using Subversion Plugin and the necessary
> connectors for it, it won't be much difficult to hook it to a local svn
> server (Do 'apt-get install subversion' in ubuntu to install subversion).
> Eclipse autocompletion is also good. If you feel the configurations of
> eclipse are cumbersome, try Netbeans (http://www.netbeans.org/index.html)
> which has got php,Java support and much easier to configure.
> hope this helps
> Regards,
> renjith
> 2008/12/24 Jai Harrison <jai at jaiharrison.com>
>> Hey fellow Ubuntu users,
>> I have recently been trying to work out how to do a number of things
>> involved in programming on my machine. What I would like is version
>> control along with different revision comparisons and possibly (not
>> essential but nice to have) auto completion. I tend to develop in PHP
>> and Java at the moment and have always previously used Eclipse for
>> Java and gEdit for PHP.
>> Eclipse works well for Java development however I've been unable to
>> get version control to work inside it (namely because I've had trouble
>> trying to get a local SVN instance to work). PHP development I'm not
>> so sure about using it for - I've looked at Eclipse PDT but it seems a
>> bit excessive for what I want and I found myself getting lost in the
>> interface.
>> So to summarise:
>> - Version Control
>> - Revision Comparisons
>> - PHP and Java
>> - Autocompletion (not essential but nice to have)
>> Anyone have any experience in applications to meet these requirements?
>> Jai
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> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
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My vote also goes for netbeans. 6.1 is in the repositories (i think),
but I downloaded 6.5 from their site for php, and it works like a

Steve Garton

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