[ubuntu-uk] WTB: Ubuntu Laptop

Matt Jones matt at mattjones.me.uk
Thu Aug 21 12:25:37 BST 2008

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Jai Harrison <jai at jaiharrison.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> University starts in about a month and I'm *still* without a new
> laptop. I figure I ought to buy one that's bundled with Ubuntu so
> that:
> 1) I don't pay Windows "tax"
> 2) I don't falsisfy statistics by making it look like I use/support Windows
> I have looked at what Dell has to offer in the UK but they currently
> offer only 1 laptop in the UK (the XPS M1330 (UBUNTU)).
> What I'm after is a decent laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed and full
> hardware support (no non-working SD card readers, Wireless, etc.)
> Please, fire your suggestions and experience in this to me.
> Jai "Venko" Harrison
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
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They also have inspiron 1525, with a bigger screen, and it looks like their
will be a netbook within a few days.
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