[ubuntu-uk] Gutsy install bug

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Wed Oct 24 14:14:18 BST 2007

** Paul Tansom <paul at aptanet.com> [2007-10-24 14:07]:
> ** Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> [2007-10-24 13:22]:
> > On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 13:04 +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:
> > > I've tried using 'all_generic_ide', but not had any success. I'm working
> > > on the basis that I need to load the pata_it821x driver that supports
> > > the card the drive is connected to into the ramdisk at boot time.
> > 
> > Tried using:-
> > 
> > ata_piix.blacklist=yes
> > 
> > On boot up?
> ** end quote [Alan Pope]
> I have now :)
> I've not quite got my head around editing the grub boot options at boot
> time. If I change a line completely or add a new line it causes it to
> reboot and default back to the pre-edited version, so I can only add
> bits to the end of the lines (so the o and O options to ad lines seem to
> be of no use at all!), and for some reason I have 'quiet' listed twice,
> once on its own line and once at the end of the main kernel line.  I'm
> assuming the second is for booting off the ramdisk, so linked to the
> initrd line, but not entirely sure why it gets a line all to itself!
> I guess it all comes of things usually working fine and therefore not
> having to mess around with the grub boot stuff that often - if it's
> never broken I've not had to disect it before :)
** end quote [Paul Tansom]

Nuts, I forgot to add that when I drop to a grub command line and try:

find /boot/grub/stage1

it correctly reports (hd0,1), which is a little puzzling since to all
intents and purposes the boot is unaware of the hd, but is accurate
given that my /boot is on my root partition which is the second
partition on the drive (the first being Windows XP Pro).

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
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