[ubuntu-uk] Press Release Idea: "Free support on selected Tescos PCs from Ubuntu UK"

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Oct 21 20:32:00 BST 2007

Hi Chris,

On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 20:02 +0100, Chris Oattes wrote:
> I would be concerned that people may think of this as some sort of 
> "contract", and that we would have to support them no matter what. We 
> would have to have some people who can guarantee that they can travel to 
> visit people to support them etc. - The time constraints may be too much 
> to deal with.

But we _already_ provide support to people. 


> With regards to online support, it may end up swamping #ubuntu-uk,

If it does, we create #ubuntu-uk-support, or deal with it some other
way. I'd cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

>  and 
> the mailing list, with support requests - I do not believe that this is 
> the intended purpose of either of these resources.

We have other resources than the mailing list and irc channel as
outlined above.

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