[ubuntu-uk] Press Release Idea: "Free support on selected Tescos PCs from Ubuntu UK"

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Oct 21 20:26:33 BST 2007

Hi Mark,

On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 19:53 +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
> London, 21st October 2007
> The UK Ubuntu community is pleased to announce that, effective from 1st 
> November, it will be offering free technical support to users of 
> selected Tescos PC, at centres up and down the country.

LOVE this idea.

> The PCs in question run Ubuntu, a free alternative to Microsoft Windows, 
> including both office software (word processor, spreadsheet and 
> presentation program) as well as tools for Internet surfing and home users.
> Alan Pope, the recently elected "Point of Contact" for the UK community 
> explains the benefits:

This is dramatically reducing the price that people are paying for PCs. 
Ubuntu is a great alternative to Microsoft Windows for web users. We 
understand that Tescos chose it, not just on price, but because they 
found it to be less prone to virus attacks.

There, now I've said it.

What we're doing is offering free support to everyone with Ubuntu... 
whether they downloaded it for themselves, or bought it with a Dell or 
Tesco PC. We've teamed up with the local Linux User Groups to provide 
face-to-face support on Ubuntu up and down the UK, ideal for people who 
don't like the idea of trying to get support over the Internet.

There, now I've said it.

> Press Contact: Presumably Alan, presumably a special page on the Wiki 
> about where people can get help (just a link to the LUGs)????

I don't mind being a contact (that _is_ kinda my role :) ). Passing
requests onto other parties.

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