[ubuntu-uk] Loading Fiesty into Mac mini

Robin Menneer robinmenneer at gmail.com
Wed May 2 12:00:28 BST 2007

On 5/2/07, TheVeech <theveech at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 09:39 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> >         >  grrr...in order to release the old one for Fiesty and me
> >         grrr...  As
> >         > the only applications she uses are iphoto (which should come
> >         ready
> >         > loaded) and  Neooffice J (note the  J, and is no longer
> >         available on
> >         > the web), this should be a doddle (famous last words ?).
> >
> >         I've got to make the case: if that's all she uses, why are you
> >         surrendering all that machine for two measly apps?
> >
> >
> >         >   She is already using copies of Neooffice J because the
> >         copy she
> >         > currently uses every so often throws a wobbly and she goes
> >         to a backup
> >         > (& again & again).  Then  we can clean the Apple Mac rubbish
> >         off the
> >         > HDD and replace with magnificant Ubuntu and its superb
> >         allied
> >         > software. I need help in deciding how this new 160gb HD fits
> >         in,
> >         > please.  I think that you may still require details of my
> >         hardware.
> >
> >         160gb?!?  That's the first I've heard of a 160gb HDD.  Where
> >         has it got
> >         to fit in?
> >
> > It's frreestanding, self-powered from the USB and runs at 5400 rpm.
> > It is about 4" square and about  a half inch deep,  Simple plug and
> > play interface with mac, and ought to be the same for Ubuntu.
> Right, I only had time to scan your post last night (and I'll be offline
> for much of today).  The 160gb WD Passport is the same one I've got
> (make sure you get a pouch for it - it scratches easily).  If you're
> desktop-bound and don't have to transfer data between machines in
> different locations, I'd have recommended for an external drive the WD
> My Book 500GB USB (not much difference in cost), but, IMHO, the WD
> Passport is a great piece of kit, especially for laptops and people who
> have to be mobile.

Yes, I'll keep it as backup but I would at some time like to have Ubuntu on
it so that I could plug it into someone else's Windows machine to
demonstrate how friendly Ububtu is.

What I'm preparing to do is install Ubuntu on the internal HDD of the
> machine.  If you agree to this, forget all about pendrives and external
> HDDs for now.  The priority's to get that machine working.
> The WD Passport you might as well use as a backup device and to shift
> data between machines.  Just plug it into the Feisty machine and it
> should load (mount) straight away.  To unload (unmount), I have to input
> in Terminal:

For the mac, it is recommended (and works) that the desktop icon is dropped
into waste bin.

sudo umount /dev/sdb1
> If the Passport isn't recognised here, type
> sudo fdisk -l
> and see what device it's called, then change the 'sdb1' bit to whatever
> it is.
> (there's probably a better fix for this, but I haven't had time to look
> for it yet).
> If you really want to, I'm pretty sure you could install a distro on the
> Passport another time, though.
> >         And yes, post whatever details you can.  Might be an idea to
> >         ask in a
> >         Mac forum, or on the Ubuntu Mac one for how to do this (output
> >         the
> >         hardware details).
> >
> >         Hardware information
> >
> > 1.42 GHz PowerPB G4 (1.2),
> > 512 mb DDR SDRAM
> > Machine model Powermac 10.1
> > cache 512 kb
> > memory 512 mb
> > Boot ROM version 4.8.914
> > Disc burner MATSHITA CD RW CW- 8124  Cache 2048 kb
> > Display resolution 1152 x 864 @ 75 Hz - ATI Radeon 9200
> > Printer driver 2.68
> Excellent.
> > >   What do you want and where do I find it ?  Currently my Ububtu
> >         > machine can't print via the Epsom Stylus Photo RX640
> >         although the mac
> >         > mini does ok - the disc that came with the printer had
> >         apparently not
> >         > heard of Linux.
> Disks that come with hardware are almost always useless for Linux, since
> they're usually designed for Windows and Mac users.
> >         Let's see if we can get it to work then.
> >
> >         Connect the printer to the Ubuntu machine and switch it on.
> >
> >         System > Administration > Printing
> >
> >         Double click 'New Printer'
> >
> >         and go through the wizard.
> >
> >         If a model is listed that isn't the exact one, don't fret.  It
> >         should
> >         still work, if my experience of Epsom's is anything to go by.
> >
> > I tried this friendly approach some while age on the compact laptop
> > wiwthout success.  We'll have to have another attempt when the rest is
> > loaded on the mac mine.
> No we won't!!!  We're getting a system up and running, with a net
> connection, then it's time for you to consult the net!  I'll be there,
> too (on this list), so if there's something I can help with, I will, but
> the specific job is to get the machine functioning enough to let you get
> out there and find the answers here and elsewhere.  I've only got one
> set of eyeballs (and they're limited by time, too).  The greater the
> number of people who can see whatever the issue is, specific to your
> needs and that machine, the better.
> There's still the problem that further down the line you might have
> issues with this non-Intel Mac, seeing as though official support has
> apparently been withdrawn, but I can appreciate the issues involved.  I
> got someone a PC last week and thought about installing Linux on it, but
> spoke with the people and just left them with Vista (shock horror!).  It
> was their new, twinky machine, and they wanted to use what they'd paid
> for on it.

I trust that you pointed out what a bad investment they were making with
Vista for the free future updates and virus protection.

> I suspect there's a bit of this involved with your new machine.  And why
> not.  It's your machine and it doesn't hurt to try out alternatives,
> especially when that alternative's already set up and ready to go.

No.  You've got the wrong end of the stick.  My missus is happy with her
iphoto and Neooffice J because she can handle it and itmeets her needs.
We've got The Gimp and Photoshop/Illustrator and have not yet found enough
need to spend the time on learning either.  About 95% of my need (apart from
the net) is met by Open Office and I am keen to keep up to date with it.

>         Ever thought of a laser printer?  I'd never, ever, EVER go
> >         back to
> >         inkjets.
> >
> > Yes, but currently beyond ouir pocket for a good colour job.
> Why colour?  Monochrome is more cost-effective and there's some good
> machines out there that won't break the bank (not least because, with
> moderate use, the consumables last forever!).  I'd only use colour
> inkjets for 6" x 4" photo printers (but then again I had one of these,
> used it a few times, and didn't use it again.
> If you could spare a couple of minutes to look at our website
> www.cornishhedges.com, you will see why colour is a necessary evil for us.

>         Gotta go.  Big game tonight.

> >
> >         Hope you enjoyed your match.
> Superb!  Fingers crossed that tonight's game will provide the dream
> final.
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/
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