[ubuntu-uk] rsync chgrp problem - advice, please?

luxxius luxxius at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 6 21:58:33 BST 2007

Neil Greenwood wrote:
> I haven't used rsync much, but I would guess from the error message
> (and where I've seen it before) that the USB drive is formatted using

Neil >>> Yes, it's FAT32, 'cos I need to write to it with both OSs

> I'm fairly sure that your conclusion is correct - you could check
> quickly by looking at the file properties (size and date/time) for one
> of the files mentioned

You're right:  most of the source files have group = root(rw-);  the 
failed ones have group = diana(r--).  I originally copied the mass of 
the files from a NAS to /home/diana/music;  looks like now, when I add 
new files there, they have diana as owner and group.

> To prevent it, check the group for the files that gave errors and one
> of the files that didn't. Change the problem files to be in the group
> that isn't causing problems. 

I'll have a go at fixing this, as you suggest.  I guess this means that 
I'll have to chgrp all the files I add to the music directory to root.

> Hope I haven't included too much info. If I've glossed over anything
> and you'd like more details, also post a reply.

No, you've been very reassuring and a real help.  Now I'll just go and 
spend an hour or two with 'Linux in a nutshell' to make sure I know what 
I'm doing when I chgrp the files!

Many thanks, and best wishes

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