[ubuntu-uk] Re: website discussion

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 14 12:34:30 BST 2006

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Hi Steve,

* Steve Smith:
> We seem to be wasting a lot of effort at
> the moment building duplicate infrastructure for something for  which
> we have no content!  If and when the time comes that we're ready to
> branch off further we can.


> On 14/06/06, Grant
> <grant at cherrysupport.com> wrote:
>> >    I would be particularly keen to get the support points maps a la
>>  >    Belgian site up on the net.
>>  A wiki page seems like a good start for this.
> Yes, I think it would be best to have it on the wiki.  *But*, can
> anyone (Matt East/Jonathan Riddell perhaps?) give us a definative
> answer about if there's any way to get javascript into a wiki page?
> As I've said before I think it would be most appropriate for us to use
> Google Maps (see my justification at
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2006-June/000457.html).
> Even non-Google maps will need some sort of html/script, won't they?

How about we begin with a simple list in wiki markup, and see if the
project grows sufficiently to justify the creation of a map.

After all, Canonical uses a simple list, and their list is a lot bigger
than ours right now.


While on the subject, I think it is important to ensure no overlap
between the two things - the ubuntu.com page clearly lists commercial
support contacts. If the uk team is to create a second list, it should
be limited to free support only, I think, with a link to the relevant
commercial support page.

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