Creating Sundanese Laguage Translation

Ilham Nurwansah ilhamnurwansah at
Mon Aug 7 05:55:55 UTC 2017

Dear Ubuntu Translation Coordinator,

Firstly I would like to introduce my self. My name is Ilham, live in West
Java, Indonesia where the people mostly speak in Sundanese (su) language.
Sundanese is the second largest language spoken in Indonesia. For several
years, I've tried to contact you to try to make the translation of

I hope there's a way to make it possible. I see that the Indonesian and
Acehnese has existed in translation project on the Launchpad. I've made a
team to do the Sundanese translation project (, and it still need approval from you.

Pleas let me know if there any condition to make the Sundanese translation
available for Ubuntu. I'll try my best to fulfill it.

Best wishes,
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