Translations for

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Sat Jul 2 03:42:34 UTC 2016

On 2016-07-02 04:35, Anthony Wong wrote:
> In this case I think we need to treat the whole sentence below as one
> translatable string: Click for installation instructions, or <a 
> href="">build
> <code>snapd</code>from source</a>.
> This is better than breaking the sentence into several chunks, as
> that will result in bad translations, but we have to assume the
> translator has basic HTML knowledge.

Can be worth mentioning that there is a lot of markup code in the
translatable strings of the Ubuntu Desktop Guide and Ubuntu Server
Guide. In those cases syntax checks are carried out at build time when
the .po files are applied, and translations which fail such checks are
ignored. I suppose that something similar can be done for the snapcraft

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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