Strange upgrade behaviour

Michael Bauer fios at
Sat Nov 22 17:04:57 UTC 2014

Sgrìobh ubuntu-translators-request at na leanas 22/11/2014 
aig 12:00:
> Hi Michael, Trying to understand the nature of the problem. Even if it 
> doesn't sound like a translation matter, it would be good if you could 
> clarify a few things.
Well, l10n goes a bit further to my mind than just translation but sure, 
I'll clarify :)
> What is force-locale?
The bit that looks at your system locale settings and forces other 
applications which are not part of the system to display the UI in that 
locale. On Ubuntu, that would be the settings under Language Support 
forcing non-Ubuntu stuff like Firefox or GIMP to come up in the 
specified language. In other words, the bit that removes control over 
the UI language from the user, by and large.
> Which LibreOffice bug?
This one:

> Ubuntu essentially ships the same l10n as debian does:
> Usually both of us consider shipping a locale when it is reasonably complete.
> As gd seems reasonably complete:
> we might add it to the shipped locales.

> Yes, Language Support is the tool in Ubuntu to make sure that all
> language support packages for the languages you selected to install are
> available. That's not handled via package dependencies. The Software
> Updater is involved for upgrading already installed language support
> packages, but not to identify missing ditto.
Bit of a gap I'd say, no? But see below.
> It probably means that you at some point changed the language in
> LibreOffice to something else but "Default", i.e. the current locale.
> Otherwise also LibreOffice would have automatically been displayed in
> the language you set in Language Support.
I didn't - it's a bit of a moot point over what happened. My 
recollection is that LO *was* in Gaelic and then suddenly wasn't anymore 
but Björn maintains it was never part of the ppa until they added it to 
Debian earlier this year. It's possible that I manually pulled some 
language packs for Gaelic at some point.
> Which constant reverting of programs to English? Are you saying that
> language support packages are silently uninstalled often?
Yes, frequently. It was too quick to screenshot but I *saw* the 
uninstaller uninstalling the gd langpacks for Firefox and it's not the 
first time it has done this, over the last 3 years it has happened to me 
at least 3 times and GunChleoc, the other Gaelic localizer, has also had 
this problem (she actually filed a bug I just heard It may 
do it to other packages too but Firefox is usually the first one I 
notice it with.


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