Strange upgrade behaviour

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Fri Nov 21 23:58:20 UTC 2014

Hi Michael,

Trying to understand the nature of the problem. Even if it doesn't sound
like a translation matter, it would be good if you could clarify a few

On 2014-11-21 19:42, Michael Bauer wrote:
> Had yer another run in with that bit of hellspawn that is
> force-locale.

What is force-locale?

> I upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu to see if the LibreOffice
> bug had finally been fixed

Which LibreOffice bug?

> - to first find that suddenly Firefox had reverted to English. Even
> though Gaelic is right at the top of the locales list in my Ubuntu
> settings. Even though I had run the Software Updater several times to
> make sure I wasn't missing any packets, when I went to Language
> Support I suddenly get a popup telling me that I'm missing language
> packs.

Yes, Language Support is the tool in Ubuntu to make sure that all
language support packages for the languages you selected to install are
available. That's not handled via package dependencies. The Software
Updater is involved for upgrading already installed language support
packages, but not to identify missing ditto.

> After telling the system to fetch them, Firefox was back in Gaelic.
> LibreOffice wasn't. I had to manually go into the LO settings and set
> them.

It probably means that you at some point changed the language in
LibreOffice to something else but "Default", i.e. the current locale.
Otherwise also LibreOffice would have automatically been displayed in
the language you set in Language Support.

> So on the bright side, LO is now available in Gaelic but this
> constant reverting of programs to English is really beginning to bug
> me.

Which constant reverting of programs to English? Are you saying that
language support packages are silently uninstalled often?

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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