Strange upgrade behaviour

Michael Bauer fios at
Fri Nov 21 18:42:33 UTC 2014


Had yer another run in with that bit of hellspawn that is force-locale. 
I upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu to see if the LibreOffice bug 
had finally been fixed - to first find that suddenly Firefox had 
reverted to English. Even though Gaelic is right at the top of the 
locales list in my Ubuntu settings. Even though I had run the Software 
Updater several times to make sure I wasn't missing any packets, when I 
went to Language Support I suddenly get a popup telling me that I'm 
missing language packs. After telling the system to fetch them, Firefox 
was back in Gaelic. LibreOffice wasn't. I had to manually go into the LO 
settings and set them.

So on the bright side, LO is now available in Gaelic but this constant 
reverting of programs to English is really beginning to bug me. Either 
force-locale forces the locale or it doesn't but at least on my system 
it seems to do what it feels like. Has anyone else observed this?


*Akerbeltz <>*
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