Blueprints for tomorrow

Pierre Slamich pierre.slamich at
Mon May 13 13:08:11 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Following Friday's meeting (thanks to all those who were there to hangout),
I've proposed two last minute blueprints for this week's UDS.


- A general blueprint on 3 topics where we can enhance involvement, quality
and standards of translation using tech, in the Community Track

  -- (25 min) Integration of package managers (ideally with MVO and/or MPT
attendance) with our Software Description Translation tool to enable easy
translation of around 50 000 strings to translate * 140 languages= 7
million strings
  -- (20 min) Deploying a translatable Translation portal (community
managed but ideally with a Canonical web admin as a PoC, David might now
the right person) to recruit and retain new translators, and ensure quality
in over 100 languages
  -- Quick Q&A with a Launchpad engineer (ideally Danilo knows about
Launchpad Translations if I'm correct) about translations issues on
Launchpad (15 min)

- (1hr) A more specific blueprint on Language Pack automation in the
Foundation Track (I quickly need input on this one)
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