New Ubiquity translations

David Planella david.planella at
Thu Oct 11 07:53:59 UTC 2012

Al 11/10/12 09:51, En/na Colin Watson ha escrit:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 09:22:14AM +0200, David Planella wrote:
>> Someone on the translators mailing list noticed that there were 3 new
>> strings added to ubiquity-debconf on the day of the translations
>> deadline. In particular:
> These were shown but entirely untranslated before, so there's no
> regression involved and hence I don't think the translations deadline
> was an issue.  Any translations we get are strictly a bonus.

Absolutely, I was just stating the facts, not implying that it was a

>> In any case, as we're past the deadline, translators will not have a
>> chance to translate them.
>> Would it be possible to do another ubiquity download including Launchpad
>> translations, say tomorrow?
> If we have another reason to update ubiquity (which is possible) then
> we'll update translations at the same time; but there is enough still to
> do that I'd rather not commit to that.

Thanks Colin!


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /

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