Final call for universe packages to be translatable in Launchpad

Yaron Shahrabani sh.yaron at
Fri Mar 30 23:23:29 UTC 2012

Hey Andrej!

I think Wine might be a little problematic... All of Wine's apps strings
are in a single PO file... If you ask for my opinion, I think we should
leave that to the contributors currently maintaining the Wine translations.

I don't want to spoil all the surprise but the Wine team is currently
looking for a webbased translation solution (such as: Transifex, Pootle,
Launchpad, Weblate, TranslateWiki, etc.).

Feel free to join in if you think you have anything to offer, so far the
most discussed solution is Weblate by Michal Cihar (Gammu/Wammu Developer),
I wish him good luck! This is some big deal ☺

(BTW, you can also donate money if you like)

Kind regards,
Yaron Shahrabani

<Hebrew translator>

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Andrej Znidarsic <
andrej.znidarsic at> wrote:

> Hello translators!
> You might remember a call for universe packages to be translatable in
> Launchpad.
> We managed to get the first testing package working and iron out the bugs.
> Now we are confident the system works as it should feel we can push it's
> usage to other packages..
> List of upstream programs to be included is located at
> Please review it and add any other upstream program you feel should be
> translatable in Launchpad. Note this is a final call for suggestion for the
> first round.
> We would like to get as many suggestions as possible but at the same time
> need to hurry if we want to have good possibility of getting some of the
> translations into Precise so the deadline for additional suggestions is
> Tuesday, April 3rd, 14.00 CET.
> After that we will start filling first batch of bugs with the responsible
> maintainers and hopefully we will manage to enable some of them already for
> upcoming 12.04.
> questions & comments are welcome
> Andrej
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators at
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