The world of hurt around Alt and the HUD

John Lea john.lea at
Fri Mar 30 14:22:19 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I have reported the HUD keyboard shortcut user configuration bug as

The translation team have been cc'ed on this email.  Tim, is this change 
good on your side?


On 30/03/12 11:52, Didier Roche wrote:
> Le 30/03/2012 12:49, John Lea a écrit :
>> Hi Neil, that's good news ;-) Didier, would it be possible to expose 
>> this HUD key config option in the 'System 
>> Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts' panel?
> This is certainly doable, here is what need to be done:
> - There is some compiz work needed by compiz developer to do that (Tim?).
> - Also remember that it means it needs translation, so you need to 
> ping the translator team about it (John? ;)).
> - Also, please ping the 2D guys as they are making an option as well, 
> but this would mean they would have to read it from gconf and 
> gsettings and I'm unsure it's easy for them to revert to gconf for one 
> setting at this point.
> Cheers
> Didier

John Lea | Ubuntu Desktop User Experience Lead
Canonical | Ubuntu
27th Floor, 21-24 Millbank Tower, London, SW1P 4QP
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7630 2415 | Email: john.lea at

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