Taking GNOME 2.32 translations for Natty from GNOME git

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 14 16:18:26 UTC 2011

El dc 09 de 03 de 2011 a les 23:55 +0200, en/na pecisk at gmail.com va
> Hi David and others!
> Is there any chance that when packaging gnome 2.32 for Natty you will
> take translations from current git branches? My team have lot of
> quality updates on GNOME git gnome-2-32 branch and I hope they can be
> rolled in this way.
> Thanks for any info,
> Cheers,
> Peter.

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

I'm actually not sure if for all the GNOME 2.32 applications in GNOME
translations will be packaged, as I believe this goes on an application
by application basis. So it might be that for some only particular fixes
are cherry-picked, while for others full tarball releases are packaged,
which include translations as well.

In the case of Evolution, for example, I see that the 2.32.2 point
release was packaged and shipped in Natty.

In any case, if you detect that your fixes are not shipped for a
particular application, you can always manually import translations.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella
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