Announcing new Lucid language packs for the 10.04.2 release

Hannie lafeber-dumoleyn2 at
Tue Feb 8 07:56:56 UTC 2011

Hello David,
While checking 
I noticed that gcalctool still has 124 strings untranslated or need review.
Since I have recently completed gcalctool at Gnome,, I presume that Lucid uses an 
older version, but which one?

*Branches:* master <> - 
gnome-2-32 <> - 
gnome-2-30 <> - 
gnome-2-28 <> - 
gnome-2-26 <> - 
gnome-2-24 <> - 
gnome-2-22 <> - 
gnome-2-20 <> - 
gnome-2-18 <>

What strikes me is that at Damned Lies it has 223 messages, while in 
Launchpad there are 452, what a difference!

Can you advise me on what to do with this?


Op 07-02-11 18:43, David Planella schreef:
> El dv 04 de 02 de 2011 a les 18:58 +0100, en/na David Planella va
> escriure:
>> El dv 04 de 02 de 2011 a les 10:58 +0100, en/na David Planella va
>> escriure:
>>> Hi translators,
>>> The Ubuntu 10.04.2 (Lucid) point release is coming up in a few days, on
>>> the 17th of February [1].
>>> We'd like to release new language packs for it, although we're getting a
>>> bit too close to the deadline, and the Ubuntu Release Team will make the
>>> ultimate decision whether we'll be releasing them or not.
>>> Because of this, we'll try to strike a compromise.
>>> So here's the plan:
>>>       1. Lucid translations will be exported from Launchpad today, at
>>>          22:00 UTC. Until that time, you'll have time to do translations
>>>          that will be included in the next Lucid language pack.
>>>       2. There is an Ubuntu Release Team meeting today at 16:00. There,
>>>          it will be discussed whether we can release the language packs
>>>          or not (i.e. if the schedule is too tight).
>>>       3. I'll follow up with an e-mail after that meeting, letting you
>>>          know about the outcome (i.e. if Lucid language packs will be
>>>          released or not). That will give you confirmation whether you
>>>          can continue doing the translations or not.
>>> I just thought I'd give you a heads up early enough, so that if you've
>>> got any critical Lucid translations you'd like to fix or complete you
>>> have at least a few hours until 22:00 UTC. But remember that the
>>> confirmation whether these translations will be part of the 10.04.2
>>> release will not come until this afternoon after the Release Team
>>> meeting.
>>> I apologise for the short notice.
>>> Regards,
>>> David.
>>> [1]
>> Ok, so this is just a short e-mail to confirm that we're going to
>> release language packs for Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (Lucid).
>> I'll give you more detailed information on Monday when we've built the
>> language packs and start testing, but here's the rundown:
>>        * You can translate Lucid until today, at 22:00 UTC
>>        * The language packs for testing will be generated during the
>>          weekend, and they will be uploaded to lucid-updates
>>        * They will need to be tested as usual before being released.
>>          Assuming the weekend build works fine, the testing period will
>>          begin on Monday and finish on Thursday. More details will follow
>>          on Monday.
>>        * We'll need to test them quick, as the schedule is tight, so if
>>          you could provide the testing feedback before Thursday, that'd
>>          be awesome: the sooner the better.
>> Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> David.
> Hi translators,
> It seems that there have been some problems building the Firefox
> translations in the Lucid language packs, so they are not still
> available for testing yet.
> We'll see if they can be built tomorrow. In any case, even if they can't
> and we miss the 10.04.2 release window, we'll update the language packs
> immediately after.
> I'll keep you posted.
> Regards,
> David.

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