Thanks to all :)

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Wed Sep 22 14:02:00 UTC 2010

Hi :)

I found these few paragraphs
fascinating.  The simple statements that the translation process may be stated 
	1. Decoding the meaning of the source text; and
	2. Re-encoding this meaning in the target language.suggests that people here 
are not just translating individual words or even individual sentences into the 
target languages but are taking the meanings of paragraphs or even longer 
structures and converting into the target language's grammer.  This seems like a 
massively complex operation.  Just understanding the meaning of any particular 
page is beyond the scope of many people.  I understand a lot about the basic 
install process, partitioning and so on but any wireless or networking stuff is 
almost impossible for me to even just read and i still don't understand it after 

Having tried to get some sort of "machine translation" automated in some way has 
led me to a much greater respect of anyone involved in translations, especially 
for any OpenSource projects (even those few that are lucky enough to get paid 
for some of their work)
Many regards from
Tom :)


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