RFC: pt_BR vs. pt -- langpack split and fallback languages

Og Maciel ogmaciel at gnome.org
Tue Jun 16 13:59:52 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Arne Goetje<arne.goetje at canonical.com> wrote:
> Any comment on the proposed language-pack split?

I believe that it will please both Brazilian and Portuguese
translators/users as even though imho it would be better to have
something translated into one of those languages than to have nothing
at all, I feel that a lot of people feel very strongly against having
pt strings instead of pt_BR, and vice-versa. In other words, users
would rather see something in English that see it in any other
language other than their own.

So +1 for the split (disclaimer: I have not been an Ubuntu user for 3
years now and am replying with my generic hat on)

Og B. Maciel

omaciel at foresightlinux.org
ogmaciel at gnome.org
ogmaciel at ubuntu.com

GPG Keys: D5CFC202

http://www.ogmaciel.com (en_US)
http://blog.ogmaciel.com (pt_BR)

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