How to revert to upstream translations

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Mon Jan 19 11:09:01 UTC 2009

Hi Dominique,

У нед, 18. 01 2009. у 20:44 +0100, Dominique Pelle пише:

> I do hope that strings from upstream have higher priority
> than strings in Rosetta. I would find it quite wrong if Rosetta
> replaced without good reasons translations that have been
> done carefully upstream.
> Shouldn't Rosetta only add strings when translations are missing
> upstream? Or in some rare cases maybe correct incorrect strings
> from upstream?

That's how it works today.

> I've done translations upstream, which have been reviewed and I'd
> be a bit disappointed if they were badly altered in Ubuntu.

Some were unintentionally altered in the past.  That should happen no
more.  "Changed in Launchpad" filter on individual translate pages (and
a count of "Changed" on overview pages) can help you find any
translations that have been altered in this way.  If you want to revert
them, use the "Packaged" one (that's the one that is most likely from


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