How to revert to upstream translations

Milo Casagrande milo at
Sun Jan 18 20:45:18 UTC 2009


Il giorno dom, 18/01/2009 alle 20.44 +0100, Dominique Pelle ha scritto:
> I do hope that strings from upstream have higher priority
> than strings in Rosetta. I would find it quite wrong if Rosetta
> replaced without good reasons translations that have been
> done carefully upstream.
> Shouldn't Rosetta only add strings when translations are missing
> upstream? Or in some rare cases maybe correct incorrect strings
> from upstream?

I just quote from last Danilo message regarding this aspect:

> Launchpad Translations has changed the translation precedence policy
> with the December release: now upstream ("packaged") translations will
> be given more priority in specific cases. Yet, Launchpad Translations
> keeps the ability to override any specific upstream translation if so
> is
> desired.
> This mostly concerns Ubuntu and it's upstreams (packages), though it
> will have a small effect on projects hosting their translations in
> Launchpad as well. If you understand better with examples, just look
> at
> the "examples" section below.

The original thread is here:


Milo Casagrande <milo at>
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