Translation Glossary and Other Things...

Milo Casagrande milo at
Sat Dec 27 17:49:03 UTC 2008


during the last UDS, we discussed about the development of a glossary,
that would be used inside Launchpad interface while translating, that
will help translators to better understand how to translate some

As Danilo explained us, there's the possibility to highlight some
terms/words in the English string based on the glossary and show a
pop-up-like-help with the definition of that word/term. In this way, we
can help new translators better understand difficult terminology, that
maybe doesn't have a "regular" translation or that doesn't have a
defined translation inside a team.

We have already created a team in Launchpad [1] for the development [2]
of this document and there's already a branch [3] with the basic
document structure (the glossary has been based on the one in The document will be written in DocBook and will be
possibile to translate it (through Launchpad).

This project is not only intended for Ubuntu, but is a Launchpad
project: what we will develop here will be used throughout all Launchpad
itself (well, translations speaking).

We are discussing it here because, at the time of this writing, there's
no infrastructure for the general Launchpad translation teams, we are
working on it (and we will announce it), and also because the Ubuntu
Translators team is the biggest and more active of all the translation
teams in Launchpad.

With this email I would like to start discussing on this glossary:
ideas, suggestion and whatever you have in mind that will be valuable to
have in the glossary...

Others thing we will be working on in the future within this team are:
 - common phrases: probably even this will be used inside Launchpad
itself and words will be highlighted, helping translators in their task.
As the "title" said, it will be a collection of common phrases (probably
terms too) and their relative translations.
 - evaluation POT file: we will create a POT file for evaluation of new
translators. This file will contain common phrases, different
terminology that a translator can find in the UI, similar terms but
different context and all those nice things.



Milo Casagrande <milo at>
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