translations as games

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Sun Dec 28 13:39:16 UTC 2008

Games are often fun and addictive.  

Launchpad translation gui captures some elements of a game and makes it fun to take part.  The colours are well chosen and their position within the progress bars intuitively suggests that green is completed and red is unstarted while blue and purple are 'works in progress', not quite completed but well on the way.  

In a game people would get a surprising amount of satisfaction from watching the green areas grow and the red shrink.  The statistics of the three columns of figures showing 'Untranslated, Needs Review & Changed' also help promote competition, co-operation and personal satisfaction - encouraging more effort from more people.  

However, the graphics and statistics don't get updated automatically so it seems a bit of a waste of time bothering with the nice graphic and stats which are clearly inaccurate - requiring more unrewarded human effort which only gets grumbles.  Its a shame that something so pretty and so close to being a motivating force is used only to create extra (pointless) work.  Clearly there is a lot of hard work going into all of this.  Lets show that.

Happy christmas everyone and have fun :)
Regards from 

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