debian-installer localization concerns (deadline tomorrow)

Ante Karamatić ivoks at
Wed May 17 17:10:13 UTC 2006

On Wed, 17 May 2006 11:04:29 +0100
Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:

> They will be likely to take the translations on Sunday evening or
> Monday morning: make sure everything is done by Sunday!

Does this implies translations for desktopguide and other -guides? If
not, what is exact time when strings will get pulled? I won't be able
to finish desktopguide till tomorrow 8AM, but I'm pretty sure I can get
it done by 11PM (with a little help from my friends). 

> Overwriting translations with upstream translations when merging is
> intentional: upstream translations are *always* given priority by the
> developer who deals with this package. That's just the way it is done.

Oh, no. In my language, upstream provides very wrong translations.
Every package we translate via LP gets couple of strings changed. In
some packages we have to change _a lot_ of translated strings. With new
upstream, these changes get ignored? This is too much double work for

Ante Karamatic | 0xD3BDA225 | 0x0A4A0161
ivoks at | ivoks at |
"Tomorrow is my day off, so please stay off the powder!"

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