Angolan and Cape Verdean users

Og Maciel og.maciel at
Sat Feb 18 10:18:02 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi Matt,

The thing is that so far, everyone who added their 2 cents pretty much
stated that neither side would be willing to use an unified solution.
Some exemplos were used (i.e. ficheiro, gerenciador) to illustrate some
of the nuances.  But I agree with you that those who can speak the
language well enough, should be able to use the base translation and
understand it too!  The suggestion to unify has nothing to do with
imposing one nationality over the other...  My ultimate goal is to have
all packages translated, period!  I can live with Portuguese, Angolean,
etc, etc translations for a while...  Linux for humanity, right?  So why
can't we (portuguese speaking users) leave the nuances out of the
equation *for now* and join our resources to get the ubuntu-pt in shape?
 Think of how many people we'll be reaching by doing this???  Imagine
that within 2 release cycles we had ubuntu-pt in shape???  Then, after
we achieve this feat, we could concentrate in making the
sub-translations more localized...

Matthew East wrote:
> No, as I've maintained on the thread: it depends totally on which
> languages we're talking about.
> In cases where translators can speak the base language well, I still
> think it helps to collaborate on the base language before working on the
> dialect. For example, in the Italian group, there are many dialects, but
> anyone who speaks Italian sufficiently well can contribute to the base
> language first. Equally, I know there are Swiss French speakers who
> contribute to the French base translations. As many have already pointed
> out, merging a dialect in with the base language is never acceptable.
> In cases where the variance is much larger, and speakers of the dialect
> do not speak the root language, obviously that's not possible. Hence my
> original question about how big the variance is.
> Matt

- --
Og B. Maciel

ogmaciel at
ogmaciel at
og.maciel at

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