FireFox & Thunderbird

Chris dchris at
Tue Sep 20 11:04:03 UTC 2005

I would like to report a typo in the french translation of gparted (in
hoary and also in breezy). When gparted is loading, it is written
"Examin des périphériques..." at the bottom of the window. (Must be
something like "scanning devices..." in English).

It should be translated "Examen des périphériques..." with an 'e' not an 'i'.

Christophe DUMEZ

2005/9/20, Ljubisa Radovanovic <lju at>:
> Hi,
> I work on Serbian translation for Breezy Badger.
> Can someone tell me what's plan is for Breezy Badger? Will be include OOo 2,
> Mozilla FireFox & Thunderbird 1.5, not a beta version?
> Also, translation on Serbian for Mozilla FireFox & Thunderbird:
> Now, we have translation as a extension:
> How we can get official translated installation and how will be BB
> manipulate with translation for this too programs?
> Best wishes,
> Ljubisa Radovanovic
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators at

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