When is (was?) deadline for translations making it into hoary?

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at canonical.com
Tue Apr 5 22:04:54 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 23:51 +0200, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 April 2005 18:40, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 18:09 +0200, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> > > I just did some updates of installer components (Danish
> > > translation). Will they make it into hoary?
> > >
> > > If they are too late for the initial release tomorrow, will there
> > > be "point releases" of ISO images which includes updated
> > > translations, security fixes, and such?
> >
> > It's too late to update the installer, we are building the final
> > version at the moment but the maintainer asked that you send him the
> > translations in case he can do anything
> > (mailto:colin.watson at ubuntu.com)
> [ ... ]
> I translated directly via Rosetta's web interface, and as far as I can 
> see this doesn't generate an updated .po instantly (it has to be 
> approved by someone first?). 

We were late for Hoary release to create those .po automatically. Future
language packs for Hoary will get those .po files from Rosetta but for
the installer is another history as it's not rebuilt after release.

> Also, a handful of translation strings were "lost/forgotten" somehow. I 
> know I pressed 'Save' for every page, so I'm confused as to how it has 
> happened (bug in Rosetta?).

Hmm, could you try to give us more information and file a bug at
https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/products/rosetta ?

It's the first time I hear about Rosetta losing/forgetting translations,
if you give us more information (like the URL you were translating and
if it happens again, where and what were you doing...) our debug work
will be easier to detect any possible problem...

> > We are going to prepare some documentation about Rosetta usage in
> > Ubuntu's wiki, will send here some URLs when it's ready.
> That'd be nice. Looking forward to it.


> Best regards,
> -- 
> Frederik Dannemare | http://sentinel.dk | http://linuxworlddomination.dk
> http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=Frederik+Dannemare
> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrederikDannemare
> Key fingerprint = 30CF 7AD3 17D9 1A63 A730  ECA6 0D4C 2C97 9D9A 238E
Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu Hoary (PowerPC)  => http://www.ubuntulinux.org
mailto:carlos.perello at canonical.com
Valencia - Spain
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