Debug please

David Robert Lewis ethnopunk at
Fri Jul 3 14:54:32 BST 2009

Luke Faraone wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 06:58, David Robert Lewis 
> <ethnopunk at <mailto:ethnopunk at>> wrote:
>     1. How do I set up the Internet connection/preferences?
> It should already be working if you can access the internet from 
> another session. Sugar does not support manual GUI-driven 
> configuration of the network connections, you can do so manually using 
> another DE or the terminal.
I can start internet via terminal using pon dsl-provider but the browser 
doesn't seem to work or "mesh", I go into the network control panel by 
right-clicking on the user icon, is there something I need to add or 
edit?  The session froze for a while when I was in the network settings, 
and banging on the keyboard eventually got the session back.

>     2. No sound. Is the sound enabled?
> Are you able to hear sound when running other applications under the 
> same OS on your system?

Yes, of course, sound is perfect in Ubuntu Gnome which runs pulseaudio. 
Do I need a deamon or something?

>     3. Journal doesn't seem to work like it should, it's just a search
>     utility which couldn't find anything?
> Can you please elaborate?
The activity called journal, what is it supposed to do? Can I search my 
harddrive with it?
>     4. Still no exit except through terminal. Where's the button?
> Hm? The "Stop" button is under the "Activity" tab of each Sugar Activity
I find the stop activity button no problem, it was the logout I was 
looking for.
>     5. A sugarised playa for listening to music would be nice.
>     6. The pdf viewer, where is it?
> Please see for a place to download 
> additional Activities.

Will do. Thanks.
> Luke Faraone

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