[ubuntu-studio-users] XFCE4 vs Ubuntu Studio 22.04

"James Harkins" jamshark70 at zoho.com
Sat Apr 29 07:06:06 UTC 2023

---- On Sat, 29 Apr 2023 10:26:47 +0800  Jon  wrote --- 
> I would think it would
> be as simple as:
> apt update && apt upgrade
> apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies
> reboot

So far, more or less OK with that -- it even preserved some custom keyboard and FCITX settings!

I had to log back into Plasma for now, though, because there was no network connection, and I couldn't find the wifi widget. I'll have to do some searching about that, but no time for it today.

> Also, I am not hearing others have the same issues as you are, not
> saying they are not, just not hearing it. So that leads me to think it
> may be a hardware issue, i.e. a driver that is not playing nice.

That's entirely possible. It's a Lenovo ThinkBook 14. I just looked at their website for Linux drivers, nothing.

> You could also try and troubleshoot if you have another computer or
> laptop on the network. When it freezes again, see if you can log in
> through ssh and check dmesg and the logs to see if you can find the
> cuplprit.

Could try that.

> Do you have any scripts running that you setup and forgot
> about, possibly sitting in cron, does the issue happen randomly or do
> you notice after say 23 minutes and 6 seconds it happens?

Quite sure that's not it.

Another possible source of trouble is the Astrill VPN client app. Very smooth under XCFE, but in Plasma, it's got this weird, tiny second window that is opening and closing dozens of times per second. I had gotten in the habit of closing this app when I didn't need it, to reduce CPU use, battery consumption, and stress on the Plasma toolbar, and that seemed to improve stability for a while. But this app was not open when the system froze yesterday (either time).

> Better idea, setup KVM or some other virtualization system and install
> Ubuntu 22.04, then go to town. If you wreck it, start over, no harm
> done. Then you have an environment to test all you want without ever
> touching your workstation

If it gets more involved than that, I'll try that. I have Oracle VirtualBox already, for another reason.

Really appreciate the help!


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