[ubuntu-studio-users] XFCE4 vs Ubuntu Studio 22.04

Jon jonr at destar.net
Sat Apr 29 02:26:47 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon <jonr at destar.net>
Reply-To: jonr at destar.net, Ubuntu Studio Users
<ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ""James Harkins"" <jamshark70 at zoho.com>, ubuntu-studio-users
<ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] XFCE4 vs Ubuntu Studio 22.04
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 21:23:24 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: ""James Harkins"" <jamshark70 at zoho.com>
To: jonr <jonr at destar.net>, ubuntu-studio-users
<ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] XFCE4 vs Ubuntu Studio 22.04
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2023 09:13:06 +0800

---- On Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:41:42 +0800  Jon  wrote --- 
> Just wanted to know if you have tried installing XFCE as your window
> manager or is there something that KDE plasma has that you require?

Plasma doesn't have anything specific I need. (This is actually part of
my reason for posting -- in case Ubuntu Studio maintainers are
listening, this user is offering some feedback that Plasma has
decidedly not been an improvement.)

Online, I see
https://www.tecmint.com/install-xfce-desktop-in-ubuntu-fedora ("sudo
apt install xfce4") -- but, when I asked about this initially, the
advice on this list was to "install Xubuntu then use the Ubuntu Studio
Installer to change it."

So... is there a particular disadvantage installing the XFCE packages
over my current installation? A fresh install + all my software is at
least a half day (which I had to do recently, after trying Ubuntu
Studio 22.10 and then having to reinstall 22.04, oops, so I know how
long it takes).


Well, it's hard to give any recommendations when you don't know the
users skill level to revover from errors. I don't believe XFCE would
overwrite anything, it should install and give you the opportunity to
login to the XFCE desktop from the login screen. I would think it would
be as simple as:

apt update && apt upgrade
apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

Also, I am not hearing others have the same issues as you are, not
saying they are not, just not hearing it. So that leads me to think it
may be a hardware issue, i.e. a driver that is not playing nice. If you
are leery of going the XFCE route, update all drivers from the
manufactuers website, hopefully they have Linux drivers. 

You could also try and troubleshoot if you have another computer or
laptop on the network. When it freezes again, see if you can log in
through ssh and check dmesg and the logs to see if you can find the
cuplprit. Do you have any scripts running that you setup and forgot
about, possibly sitting in cron, does the issue happen randomly or do
you notice after say 23 minutes and 6 seconds it happens?

Just some things to look at while you decide what to do, others may
have better ideas to help troubleshoot, but I usually solve 95% of my
issues at that starting point. 

Regardless of th linux OS I use, I always install XFCE. I don't want to
waste resources on pretty colors or bouncing windows. I want all
resources for Audio/Video/Graphics applications.



Always wisdom in the 'Enter' key and the 'Send' button.

Better idea, setup KVM or some other virtualization system and install
Ubuntu 22.04, then go to town. If you wreck it, start over, no harm
done. Then you have an environment to test all you want without ever
touching your workstation

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