[ubuntu-studio-users] Upgrade Issues

BabsKy babs.keeley at gmail.com
Sat May 9 20:15:20 UTC 2020

Hello all, so I upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04 today. I waited to be notified
of the upgrade, I didn't upgrade manually.
The upgrade went well, no issues, but now I'm in a mess.
One of my most used applications is Gimp. When I tried to open it I got an
[image: image.png]

There are a few other issues and I'm sure I'll find more but this is my
main issue.
There was an update for GEGL after the upgrade but that wasn't v0.4.22.
Is there an easy way to fix this or is there any way to repair a US
I'd rather fix all the issues at the same time if possible.

Thank you
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