[ubuntu-studio-users] 20.04 solves my problems with older Xeon CPUs and v18 and 19

Mike Squires michael.leslie.squires at gmail.com
Sun May 3 20:45:36 UTC 2020

The low-latency kernel in Studio versions 18 and 19 caused my system to 
slow down dramatically; I solved this by installing a standard kernel 
version so I could continue to use the environment.  The slowdown seemed 
to be due to my use of a 3ware RAID controller (very slow reads/writes, 
normal performance once in memory).

This problem does not exist with 20.04.  I ran the old UnixBench 
benchmark and the scores are nearly the same as those I clocked with the 
standard kernel on v19.

Hardware is a Supermicro X7DAE, dual quad core Xeon E5335, 3ware 9750 
RAID controller, 2 Seagate SATA 2 TB drives in RAID 1 array, AMD HD 5500 
video.  Sound is an older M-Audio PCI card (Delta 66).

Thank you very much!

Mike Squires

Michael L. Squires, Ph.D., M.P.A.
546 North Park Ridge Road
Bloomington, IN 47408
Known in the SCA as Alan Culross, KSCA, OP, etc.
"Michael Leslie Squires" on FB
Home phone: 812-333-6564
Cell phone: 812-369-5232
www.siralan.org (personal) or
www.smithgreensound.com (PA)
UN*X at home since 1985

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