[ubuntu-studio-users] Problem booting 18.04 DVD and workaround

Mike Squires michael.leslie.squires at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 17:41:20 UTC 2018

My first attempt to upgrade from 16.10 to 18.04 (interested in assisting 
in creating LTS version) failed when the installation failed with an 
error that I was unable to copy.

I accidentally found the workaround by booting to the "run from DVD" 
option which allows the installation program to be started within that 
shell.  This ran far enough that I got to the commit to erase the old 
installation which I was unwilling to do at that time.

I will repeat this process (with a camera handy) but thought that the 
workaround was worth reporting.

Hardware is a Supermicro X7DAE motherboard with 2 Xeon CPUs, 4 cores 
each, 2 GHz; disk controller is a 3Ware 9500 supporting a single boot 
drive and a RAID 5 5 disk second array.  I have been using it to do some 
low-grade editing of videos filmed on an iPhone 6 and merging the video 
with audio recorded on a Zoom H2N. Sound output is via a M-Audio card.

I also run Studio on an HP Envy laptop and an older Dell 6230 laptop, 
the latter because of the cheap availability of the multi-monitor 
docking station.

I have to report that Ubuntu Studio with options (mainly the current 
version of OpenShot and Cinelerra-CV) are more reliable than the same 
system booting Windows 7 with the MS version of OpenShot, and I find 
Clementine a better music library system for me than iTunes at this point.

Thank you, Ubuntu Studio developers.

Mike Squires

UN*X at home since 1986

..!sir-alan!mikes (1986-90, Tandy 68K XENIX)

mikes at siralan.org (1990-)

michael.leslie.squires at gmail.com

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