[ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 125, Issue 4
contact at charlieluna.com
Tue Sep 19 12:50:13 UTC 2017
i'd file a bug report to launchpad.net.
open terminal, type 'ubuntu-bug *issue*'
*issue* = short description of problem like PC frozen, enter.
your system will gather information and them take you to launchpad where you can describe the problem further and submit it for review.
> On Sep 19, 2017, at 5:00 AM, ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Random total lockups, Ubuntu Studio 17.04, getting
> increasingly frequent :( (Brian)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 09:07:18 -0400
> From: Brian <b_lists at patandbrian.org>
> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] Random total lockups, Ubuntu Studio
> 17.04, getting increasingly frequent :(
> Message-ID: <3cd00313-399e-4bf9-01a6-4f1be95fbb3d at patandbrian.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi all,
> I'm using Ubuntu Studio 17.04, all patches up to date, on an AMD
> Phenom II x6, 8GB RAM.
> I'm seeing total lockups of the PC at apparently random but
> increasingly frequent intervals. Usually it's once or twice a day, but
> I've just had two less than an hour apart. When it happens, the only
> noticeable difference is that the cursor looks like it's got a sort of
> shadow image of itself just to the right of the real cursor (i.e. they
> almost overlap) but when this happens, NOTHING works (that I've been
> able to find), the PC is totally unresponsive, the only way back is to
> hold down the power button until it switches off and then reboot. If I
> have the speakers on at the time, then a distorted sound comes from
> the speakers (it's hard to describle, like a VERY rapid deep-pitched
> ticking) and that will continue until the PC is powered down.
> I've tried and totally failed to tie this down to any particular
> software I'm using at the time, I've even had it happen when I've been
> away from the PC. The strange effects with the cursor suggested to ne
> that maybe X.org.log.old might have some indications of the problem,
> but I can see nothing suspicious once I've rebooted.
> Anybody else seeing this sort of problem? More importantly, does
> anybody have any suggestions as to how to go about diagnosing it?
> Thanks,
> Brian.
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> End of ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 125, Issue 4
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