[ubuntu-studio-users] Random total lockups, Ubuntu Studio 17.04, getting increasingly frequent :(

Brian b_lists at patandbrian.org
Thu Sep 21 14:23:52 UTC 2017

On 09/19/2017 08:50 AM, Charlie wrote:

For anybody still following this :-

1) The problem was unaffected by a downgrade to 16.04 LTS.

2) I'm becoming more and more convinced that I'm actually dealing with
some kind of hardware problem, i.e. a defective component of my PC
rather than an Ubuntu-related problem. I've got a couple of ideas for
things to try, if one of them is successful in stopping the lockups I
will post again to confirm that it wasn't an Ubuntu problem.


> i'd file a bug report to launchpad.net. 
> open terminal, type 'ubuntu-bug *issue*' 
> *issue* = short description of problem like PC frozen, enter.
> your system will gather information and them take you to launchpad where you can describe the problem further and submit it for review.
>> On Sep 19, 2017, at 5:00 AM, ubuntu-studio-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 09:07:18 -0400
>> From: Brian <b_lists at patandbrian.org>
>> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-users] Random total lockups, Ubuntu Studio
>>    17.04, getting increasingly frequent :(
>> Message-ID: <3cd00313-399e-4bf9-01a6-4f1be95fbb3d at patandbrian.org>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using Ubuntu Studio 17.04, all patches up to date, on an AMD
>> Phenom II x6, 8GB RAM.
>> I'm seeing total lockups of the PC at apparently random but
>> increasingly frequent intervals. Usually it's once or twice a day, but
>> I've just had two less than an hour apart. When it happens, the only
>> noticeable difference is that the cursor looks like it's got a sort of
>> shadow image of itself just to the right of the real cursor (i.e. they
>> almost overlap) but when this happens, NOTHING works (that I've been
>> able to find), the PC is totally unresponsive, the only way back is to
>> hold down the power button until it switches off and then reboot. If I
>> have the speakers on at the time, then a distorted sound comes from
>> the speakers (it's hard to describle, like a VERY rapid deep-pitched
>> ticking) and that will continue until the PC is powered down.
>> I've tried and totally failed to tie this down to any particular
>> software I'm using at the time, I've even had it happen when I've been
>> away from the PC. The strange effects with the cursor suggested to ne
>> that maybe X.org.log.old might have some indications of the problem,
>> but I can see nothing suspicious once I've rebooted.
>> Anybody else seeing this sort of problem? More importantly, does
>> anybody have any suggestions as to how to go about diagnosing it?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian.
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