Has somebody a stable Ubuntu Studio NATTY 64-bit?
Mike Holstein
mikeh789 at gmail.com
Mon May 30 20:35:57 UTC 2011
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 14:15 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:
> > On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Ralf Mardorf
> > <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> > Hi Karl :)
> >
> > today I got a RME card, very, very expensive. I'm curious
> > about it. I
> > wonder if it will sound better than all the other cards I
> > know, or if I
> > just spend money for nothing. I bought a B-stock (customer
> > return), so
> > somebody perhaps wasn't satisfied by this card ;).
> >
> > ACK, but no full ACK regarding to "Linux audio isn't that
> > good, as
> > proprietary audio is". MIDI jitter for hw MIDI is an issue on
> > all OS,
> > AFAIK only Nuendo should be good and still with limitations.
> > There
> > should be no App for Apple or Microsoft systems, excepted of
> > Nuendo.
> > Using Jack2 from svn + a2jmidi_bridge on my Maverick install
> > had at
> > least for one song, completely no limitation. It was hard
> > real-time as
> > good as C64, Atari ST and 80's stand alone sequencers, there
> > was no
> > jitter.
> > Regarding to audio it depends to the needs. If I should get
> > rid of audio
> > loss, I'm satisfied for home recording. Just for professional
> > work
> > Ardour2 IMO isn't stable enough. Sometimes it crash and
> > sometimes still
> > is to often, regarding to contract penalty.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Ralf
> >
> >
> > for me, ardour is quite a bit more stable than cubase was for me in
> > XP, as well as more capable. i usually find when ardour is crashy, its
> > something im doing which is causing the instability. i was trying the
> > new irlv2 plugin, and that seemed to cause instability. i tried using
> > another packaged version of the irlv2 plug from falktx's KXstudio ppa,
> > and ardour (so far) has been stable again. i personally enjoy the way
> > JACK lets me push my system, and find the limitations of my hardware.
> > i remember doing something similar in cubase where i would push the
> > limits of latency and get a less stable system, making cubase less
> > stable. i have been in studios where most of the big name current
> > popular DAW's have crashed. when you push any system to its limits,
> > you can get instability. i find Paul Davis and the ardour team to be
> > quite responsive to comments and bug reports. if you are experiencing
> > ardour instability not relating to personal configuration errors, i
> > urge you to get involved, and report your findings. personally, i find
> > if i relax my JACK settings a bit, the system becomes stable again.
> I'm not abreast of the times regarding to the professional audio work
> that costs much money. Some years ago computers were only used in the
> studio, for live recordings or orchestra sessions stand-alone devices
> analog and/or digital were used. I remember one session at the Sender
> Berlin, Al Schmitt came from the USA and the equipment was a bus from
> France, the only computer was for the Neve's Flying Faders (fader
> automation ;) and this computer was invisible ;). The recorder was a
> digital Sony tape recorder. I wonder if somebody like Al Schmitt would
> use any computer today, so I did a google pic search ... there's
> something in the background :D ...
> http://www.grammy.com/files/imagecache/photo_gallery_full_size_image/news/producera_maury_60232914_max.jpg?1296662944
> Btw. he's one of the few very likeable professional engineers I met,
> most of those VIP engineers are complete assholes.
> I should have thought he won't use a computer, but I guess I was
> mistaken.
> OTOH, if you take a look at this kind of studios, e.g.
> http://www.chicksingernight.com/contest/Recording-TheVillage.jpg it
> might be that those computers are quasi stand-alone-devices, customized
> to the whole equipment.
> I very often asked the community to give me the name of at least one big
> audio studio using Linux and I always noticed that they not really know
> what a professional studio is.
> What ever those guys are using, it's not Ardour2 ;).
> http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=al+schmitt+audio
> +engineer&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=599&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
> Hm? Bruce Sweeden? A bossom friend of Dirk Brauner ... Oops this is the
> correct writing "Bruce Swedien"
> There are monitors in the background, unfortunately tze pics are just
> thumbnails. http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=Bruce+Swedien+audio
> +engineer&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=599&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
> are you saying professional studios dont run ardour?.. to be clear, i was
pointing out that ANY DAW, on any OS can become unstable, and i was also
pointing out that if you are experiencing instability with ardour, feel free
to properly report the issue so all of us can take advantage of the bug
reporting and fixing.
as far as pro studios running ardour, my studio runs ardour. so does this
one http://www.sonicstudio.it/ , and of course there is/was the
http://www.sae.edu/en-gb/content/80/Ardour_-_SAE_Edition .
there are plenty others if you want to google around and look them up. i
dont feel i need to defend ardour to anyone. if it works for you, use it,
and if it doesnt, then use what works for you. theres no shortage of DAW's,
even in linux (such as http://www.renoise.com/). HOWEVER, do not help spread
a false idea that linux and/or ardour is not up to the task. are
there limitations? of course. i think all DAW's/OS's are going to have
limitations. AFAIK, we dont really have a good easy way to do 5.1 mixing in
linux. video production software *is what it is*. ardour2 doesnt have MIDI
support, but version 3 will/does. for me the combination of JACK +
ubuntustudio with all the apps that support JACK out of the box, and the
interconnectivity that that gives me is a win. if i did more MIDI
sequencing, i might have a different opinion, but i hope ardour3 is a good
answer to that particular workflow.
PLEASE help us spread the work about how capable the software we have is. if
you prefer using protools or whatever, thats great, and i personally welcome
the constructive discussions of those differences, and what is working well,
and what is not, and why cubase or protools (or whatever) is preferred. but
please dont spread any misinformation about how ardour is not capable. a
preference is a preference, but ardour is awesome, and utilized
by professionals all over the world.
i apologize if i misunderstood you, i can be defensive about the software
and community im passionate about.
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