Has somebody a stable Ubuntu Studio NATTY 64-bit?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun May 29 15:21:05 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 10:46 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:
> ralph
> i run the LTS (10.04) on my production machine, and plan to stay there
> til 12.04. i have test installs of both maverick 10.10 and natty
> 11.04, and JACK and other studio apps i test seem to run as expected.
> the only difference i experience is a steady improvement of the
> -generic kernel for audio production. here is a relavant forum thread
> - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1648216 about google earth.

Thank you Mike :)

I keep this in mind.

As I've written before. Ubuntu Studio Maverick is the best workstation I
ever had, excepted of the very, very, very serious issue that the mouse
wheel isn't working. Well, Natty is a PITA until now.

I'll make music, when I get my new sound card (hopefully) tomorrow.
I try to set up debian stable right now and won't fix anything on Ubuntu

If Debian stable shouldn't work, I'll use Ubuntu Maverick on Monday,
with a bad mouse, that by the way may become a bigger problem. AFAIK I
need to set up Ardour by the third mouse button for the KORG
NANOKONTROL, that I'll get with the same shipment, that will deliver my
new sound card.

I've got two priorities at the moment:

- Setting up Debian stable and/or
- Fixing the mouse wheel issue for Maverick

All other issues might become important at another time, in two weeks or
so, perhaps never ever again.

Oh and still important, it bears repeating, there's absolutely nothing
bad with Ubuntu Studio packages. Good job, very, very good job! From
artwork to functionality everything is satisfying and it's still
possible to pimp it to my flavour.



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