wacom fail
bart.deruyter at gmail.com
bart.deruyter at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 16:12:11 UTC 2011
Be assured, I've spent about two months on choosing my drawing tablet and
did even three months research to pick my audio card... The AudioFire12 was
told to be 100% supported by FFADO at that time (it was about the only
one). Apparently they forgot the midi port. Eventually it got fixed,
indeed, but it needed fixing again, despite the fact they said it was 100%
compatible. In the end you can only tell if it works when you have the
hardware, research or not. And the fact remains that in one edition one
thing works, another edition it doesn't any more, and then the next it
works again, but something else is broken. This happens time and time
again. On top of that once you get accustomed to a certain way of working
to get broken things fixed, config files get moved around the system,
that's exactly what happened to wacom, or there is a brand new system of
configuring, using new naming conventions etc...
6 months is way too short indeed, should be at least a year cycle. Maybe,
as I suggested in the full circle magazine, a combination of a rolling
release, for software updates, and a yearly cycle for major system
upgrades. That way there would be time to test the important changes, while
people won't have to wait for updated applications.
I've got to draw, write, make music, model in 3D, not figuring out why I've
got all those xruns all of a sudden, or why the pointer jumps to a corner
of my screen when I click a button of my wacom. Now all of a sudden the
lights (num lock, caps lock etc.. ) on my keyboard are gone.
Op schreef Gustin Johnson <gustin at meganerd.ca>:
> The LTS releases are focused on stability as opposed to features. The
> releases in between are really nothing more than betas since 6 months is
> not long enough IMO to polish a release.
> Having spent 15 years running Linux, I have learned that it really does
> pay to do some research before buying any hardware. It has been a while
> since I have suffered from badly behaving hardware.
> Sent from my Android device. Please excuse my brevity.
> On Jul 20, 2011 8:47 AM, "bart deruyter" bart.deruyter at gmail.com> wrote:>
> I've been browsing around in the ubuntu forums, searching for a solution.
> > Apparently it is a Natty bug. There is a fix, but it requires quite some
> > patching.. and at the moment, I'm not up to it.
> >
> > I actually am getting tiered of applying patches and fixes each time I
> > upgrade. If it's not wacom, it's my soundcard, if it's not my soundcard
> it's
> > my webcam.. and then there might be the wireless network card of which
> the
> > driver is dropped... It is becoming extremely tiresome. The sad thing
> is, if
> > I don't upgrade, I miss fixes that only can be applied by upgrading.
> Like my
> > soundcard. The midi port was only available since upgrading to Natty...
> but
> > then, it broke something else again.. "sigh"...
> >
> > Instead of focussing on new things, Ubuntu should focussing on
> stability.
> > Usability by designing thought out user interfaces is fine, but only
> when
> > the machine can get to work properly. So far exactly that has never
> been the
> > case. I've always had a piece of hardware malfunctioning because of bad
> > configuration or broken drivers, modules and whatever more there might
> be.
> >
> > grtz,
> > Bart
> >
> >
> > http://www.bartart3d.be/
> >
> >
> > 2011/7/19 Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>
> >
> >>
> >> >
> >> > What can I do to trace the problem
> >>
> >> If you are using Synaptic and or doing backups, than
> >>
> >> - take a look at Synaptic's history. Was any Wacom related stuff
> >> upgraded?
> >> - compare Wacom related files with your last backup of the working
> >> studio.
> >>
> >> You can see Wacom related packages eg by using Synaptic's search.
> >>
> >> Are you using a xorg.conf? Did you upgrade the kernel? What DE do you
> >> use? I suspect GNOME2.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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