wacom fail
Gustin Johnson
gustin at meganerd.ca
Wed Jul 20 15:37:20 UTC 2011
The LTS releases are focused on stability as opposed to features. The
releases in between are really nothing more than betas since 6 months is not
long enough IMO to polish a release.
Having spent 15 years running Linux, I have learned that it really does pay
to do some research before buying any hardware. It has been a while since I
have suffered from badly behaving hardware.
Sent from my Android device. Please excuse my brevity.
On Jul 20, 2011 8:47 AM, "bart deruyter" <bart.deruyter at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been browsing around in the ubuntu forums, searching for a solution.
> Apparently it is a Natty bug. There is a fix, but it requires quite some
> patching.. and at the moment, I'm not up to it.
> I actually am getting tiered of applying patches and fixes each time I
> upgrade. If it's not wacom, it's my soundcard, if it's not my soundcard
> my webcam.. and then there might be the wireless network card of which the
> driver is dropped... It is becoming extremely tiresome. The sad thing is,
> I don't upgrade, I miss fixes that only can be applied by upgrading. Like
> soundcard. The midi port was only available since upgrading to Natty...
> then, it broke something else again.. "sigh"...
> Instead of focussing on new things, Ubuntu should focussing on stability.
> Usability by designing thought out user interfaces is fine, but only when
> the machine can get to work properly. So far exactly that has never been
> case. I've always had a piece of hardware malfunctioning because of bad
> configuration or broken drivers, modules and whatever more there might be.
> grtz,
> Bart
> http://www.bartart3d.be/
> 2011/7/19 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>
>> >
>> > What can I do to trace the problem
>> If you are using Synaptic and or doing backups, than
>> - take a look at Synaptic's history. Was any Wacom related stuff
>> upgraded?
>> - compare Wacom related files with your last backup of the working
>> studio.
>> You can see Wacom related packages e.g. by using Synaptic's search.
>> Are you using a xorg.conf? Did you upgrade the kernel? What DE do you
>> use? I suspect GNOME2.
>> --
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