help, jackd crashing, don't know why

wfdudley wfdudley at
Mon Apr 11 00:26:45 UTC 2011

When jackd crashes on a freshly booted machine, the problem isn't left over
files in /dev/shm, the problem is PA allocating all that memory in the
first place.
Since I've given up on expecting bugs to be fixed in my lifetime, and I had a
DIMM lying about, adding memory was cheap 'n' easy.

I did nukem PA from my laptop, it won't work with Skype.  I did it by renaming
a binary somewhere. crude but effective.

<rant>I really have given up on expecting bug fixes.  Audacity won't
show an input
selector control, hasn't for several years, the audacity guys know
about it but don't
seem to care.  So I don't expect to ever record using audacity.  Oh well.

Bill Dudley

On 4/10/11, Pablo Fernández <pablo.fbus at> wrote:
> El 10/04/11 14:52, wfdudley escribió:
>> adding ram from 512M to 1024M fixed it.  Thanks!
>> Bill Dudley
> Well, I was not exactly saying that the problem was lack of RAM although
> more RAM is better of course. I guessed you had 512 MB because of this
> message:
> Memory locking is unlimited - this is dangerous. You should probably
> alter the line:
>      @audio   -  memlock    unlimited
> in your /etc/limits.conf to read:
>      @audio   -  memlock    354993
> This suggestion on the memlock limit is 75% of your total RAM, in kb.
> The real problem is not the lack of memory but pulseaudio locking it.
> Manually cleaning /dev/shm is a must if you have little RAM and even
> with 1 GB you could have problems.. Avoiding pulseaudio althogether can
> be a good idea or not, depending on your needs.
> I am not sure if pulseaudio should be left out of US or not, but this
> bug[1] is a major drawback. It affects many more than 4 people yet is
> marked as "won't fix".
> [1]
> Cheers! Pablo
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