minimal distribution - maximum sound??

Lars-Erik Helander lehswe at
Sat Dec 18 08:12:43 GMT 2010

The distro that fit your needs best would be Puppy Studio. It's basically a
Puppy Linux platform with Ubuntu Studio packages and most important it has
an RT-kernel.

You can find it thru the Puppy Linux forum

<>Hope this helps


2010/12/17 kirko birilli <whyshenwhy at>

> hi there,
> i would like to know if somebody got experience with running audio apps on
> a small as possible distro tailor made for your own machines.i install
> usually the whole lot and then just try to get things done.a friend of mine
> uses his old laptop as kind of tekkno instrument.he got his sounds together
> with pure data and uses the keyboard as kind of piano.he still got windoze
> xp on it and i wonder if that doesn´t eat lots of power he could better use
> for audio tasks.
> so what are you doing to get the maximum out of your machines and is it
> possible just to get a minimal install something like tiny core with 10mb
> and add the rest after?
> i have got loads of old laptops around and would like to get them
> swinging.any suggestions?
> cheers
> shen
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