recording vocals

Fernando Gomes f.m.gomes at
Mon Oct 5 10:46:13 BST 2009

Hi Jason

I'm using a M-Audio Nova mic (about $100), connected to the Tascam
US-122 USB audio interface. I've recently added the Behringer MIC800
modeling preamp, but haven't made any real test with it. I like the
sound with the M-Audio Nova + Tascam US122 combination the problem for
me is that the US122 phantom power is a bit tricky (the second input
channel has noise when I turn on the phantom power for powering the
mic)... Of course everything is working on Ubuntu Studio (9.10 Beta at
the moment, as I posted yesterday to the list).

If you need any additional details please feel free to ask me!


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:51 AM, Jason M. Christos
<TechnologyJason at> wrote:
> what is good microphone in the $200 range to record vocals that is
> compatible with ubuntu studio? I would prefer to hear from someone who has
> actually used the combination to record vocals, thanks in advance
> --
> - Jason M. Christos
> --
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