Sage advise needed! Ubuntu Studio 9.10 & error 15 (in grub?)

Henry W. Peters hwpeters at
Wed Nov 11 17:46:40 GMT 2009

Daniel wrote:
> Hi Henry,
>> Ok, to start out with, after a "clean" install by dvd (I erased all data 
>> on my ext3 partition), I will, for now, only ask if someone can please 
>> tell me what *'error 15'* means, when loading Ubuntu Studio 9.10 (in 
>> 'Grub,' the computer hangs & will not allow me to chose  between UBS 
>> 9.10 or Windows XP! I had to go back to loading Ubuntu 8.01, on a live 
>> cd that I fortunately still had around, to get rid of that problem).
> Error 15 usually means Grub can't find the boot partition. It sounds 
> like Grub is not loading at all, which probably means you need to 
> reinstall grub from a live cd:
> Daniel
>> Willing to try again...
>> Thanks,
>> Henry
Hey, thanks much Daniel... that site was very informative...

However, it appears to me, the Ubuntu Studio, v. 9.10 is *not* a 'live 
cd," (& in fact, is, because of size (1.4 gb, a DVD), so not sure if 
this is possible with the UBS DVD (?). The site that you linked, 
indicated there may be a way to access to reinstall via a rudimentary 
terminal, during attempted booting... what I am wondering, now though, 
is there something I can do to insure the correct boot partition DURING 
THE INSTALL,  in the first place, when I "try again?" I.e., it appears 
that 'Grub 2' has a different way of counting the disks/partitions... 
perhaps I did something wrong in my choice of where to boot from? & as 
another note, I had some problem figuring out the way to select options, 
seemed different, some how, from previous Ubuntu installers...

Some insight into one other issue or question which could conceivably be 
helpful before an install; ext3 versus ext4 (I have gleaned from that possible improved performance & 
storage space may be there (in ext4 formatting), I think I remembered, 
from not too long ago on this list (?) someone commenting rather 
negatively, their experience with ext4...


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