Jaunty Real Time Kernel fails immediately

Gustin Johnson gustin at echostar.ca
Wed May 6 23:14:40 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Fernando Gomes wrote:
>> Sounds more like you've got the wrong driver set in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>> I didn't make any nvidia specific changes.
>> If you'd like to compile it, grab the source from kernel.org, apply
>> ingo's rt patch, and then set the preemption to "Complete" and the
>> Timer Freq to 1000Hz.
>> --
>> Luke MacNeil
>> www.lukemacneil.com
> An update to my previous email:
> The problem I had with Luke kernel was because I was using a
> proprietary driver for my Radeon HD 3200 graphic card before I install
> Luke kernel and this why I have no X with this kernel, I rebooted with
> the normal kernel, reverted to the  non proprietary driver,
> reinstalled Luke kernel (I have removed it in the meantime) and it
> works without any error or warning in the logs! This is completely
> different from what happens with the ubuntustudio rt kernel, that I am
> unable to use because the PC doesn't even boot, even passing nolapic
> and other boot parameters.
The nolapic and related options will also take away multi-core support
and will pretty much make low latency impossible.  Do not use them.  If
you need them to boot, chances are there are bug in your BIOS.  Upgrade
the BIOS or get a different motherboard/chipset.  I have only seen this
problem on AM2 based boards, which is why I now buy Intel CPU/Chipset.

> Are there significant differences between Luke kernel and the kernel
> from ubuntustudio?

I have not compared them.  I just use my own.  One difference is that
when you build your own kernel or use a 3rd party one, you need to
manually install the proprietary drivers.  Chances are that is all you
need to do.
> Do you know if there is some possibility to use ATI proprietary
> drivers with rt kernels? The graphic performance with non proprietary
> drivers is a bit low, compared to the one I have with proprietary
> drivers :-(
In my experience, proprietary drivers are flaky with RT kernels.  Blame
ATI and nVidia.  It might work (in my experience it sometimes works).
In your case you are better off with the RadeonHD driver and not fglrx.

> After using Luke kernel I decided to build one myself (a thing that I
> had done many years ago, when it was necessary to rebuild the kernel
> to support new hardware).
> I've used the kernel linux- and the rt patch
> patch- both  from kernel.org. Then I used make
> menuconfig and changed preemption to complete and timer freq to
> 1000Hz, accordingly with Luke's instructions.
> Then I made:
> make-kpkg clean
> time fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd -rev mz1 kernel_image kernel_headers
sudo time make-kpkg --initrd -rev mz1 kernel_image kernel_headers
also works.

> After finishing building the kernel packages, I made
> sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-
> sudo dpkg -i linux-image-

This looks to be correct.
> I have the same warning I get from Luke kernel related to nvidia in
> the postbuild script (that occurs also when I install new packeges
> using apt-get). I rebooted and it also worked well (seems similar to
> Luke kernel in the short tests I made, still didn't make any audio
> tests).
- From what you have said, yours and Luke's (and mine for that matter)
should be nearly identical.

> Is this the correct way for building a new kernel for Ubuntu? I
> followed a Debian kernel build tutorial...

This works for Debian and Ubuntu.  This is the procedure for local
packages.  The procedure is different if you are packaging for the
distro itself, which is probably what the tutorial you read was about.
> Can we have conflicts if there is some kernel update on ubuntustudio repository?
If a ubuntu kernel is newer than yours (eg. 2.6.30) it will be the
default.  Otherwise no.

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