usb/midi adapter - which ones work well?

Robert Klaar nim.batu at
Tue Jan 27 12:10:19 GMT 2009

S'cuse me if I'm highjackin a bit but ok?!, so someone mentioned firewires;
I was thinkin of buying a new computer, a laptop, problem is; it's got
none!(no firewire), but I was thinkin that it's got an
expansion(Expresscard/54), I've found such firewireexpresscards and I was
wondering; is there going to be a problem in linux, do I need somekind of
drivers for the expresscard?

Anyways, I'm a bit intrested in using midi to for my beatmachines, I'm gona
look it up a bit and post what I find...

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Atom Smasher <atom at> wrote:

> i could be wrong here, someone feel free to jump in and correct what i
> think i've found...
> it seems like the m-audio (2x2, 4x4) adapters work, but require drivers
> that aren't supported by the manufacturer.
> it seems like the tapco link.midi 4x4 works out of the box, and the street
> price is close to (or less than) the m-audio 2x2. it also seems a little
> bit tougher (recessed front/rear panels, rubber padding) and a little
> better designed, overall (different color LEDs for input/output/power,
> kensington lock hole). of course, i'm just looking at pictures on the
> 'net, so i could be off by a tad ;)
> ideologically, i'm also leaning towards the mackie because it seems to
> "just work". i'd rather spend my money with a company that's following
> standards, rather than a company that uses proprietary drivers and merely
> tolerates linux users developing an independent driver, with no company
> support (if i understand it correctly).
> it even looks like the tapco firmware upgrades are just a sysex file... so
> i wouldn't expect any problems using amidi to upgrade the firmware. that's
> actually two points they've scored; in addition to using sysex for
> upgrades, they have upgrades!!
> like i said, this is based on a few minutes googling, and may not
> accurately reflect reality.
> if anyone can comment on these (or other!) usb/midi adapters... please
> do...
> thanks...
> --
>         ...atom
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