Announcement: Ardour 2.7.1 will land in hardy + intrepid

Khashayar Naderehvandi khashayar.lists at
Fri Jan 23 11:02:16 GMT 2009

Dear all,

Due to some particularly nasty scons bug, the ardour packages might
take longer to hit the archives than I had hoped. In the meanwhile,
please feel free to install ardour from my PPA at There are packages for
hardy and intrepid available.

In my PPA you may also find other packages that could be of interest,
such as jack 0.116.1 and ffado.

Please note, however, that anything you install from my PPA you do on
your own risk. These are *not* official Ubuntu Studio packages, and
they are *not* backed up by the Ubuntu Studio team. A lot of these
packages will never end up in backports archives. Be warned.

That said, if you do encounter issues, do let me know and I'll try to
fix things. And if you don't encounter issues, feel free to let me
know anyway :-)


On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:57 PM, wayne <wayne at> wrote:
> thanks for your help.  will definitely try out the new packages once they
> are in the Hardy repos.
> peace, w
> On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 15:05 +0100, Khashayar Naderehvandi wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce that Ardour 2.7.1 has been accepted for
> backporting to Hardy as well as Intrepid [1]. It should end up in the
> appropriate repos anytime soon.
> This is hopefully the beginning of a more active backporting effort
> within Ubuntu Studio. It seemed important to me to get this particular
> package through to start with, as it's one of the most important ones
> in a DAW context. If there are packages that you want to see
> backported, please let me know and I'll try to get the ball rolling.
> Just remember that libraries and such (e.g. jack) won't be backported.
> Just a couple of weeks back, I was a regular user who needed
> up-to-date packages. I started looking into how I could build the
> jaunty packages locally for myself. But why not share, when the
> packages are built, I thought. After an email to this list, I was
> invited to work more closely with the dev group. The step from "using"
> to "sharing" is small, and the step from "sharing" to working more
> officially was smaller than I thought. I've realized that it's not too
> hard to make a difference. In fact, the easiest thing one could do,
> which would nevertheless be a very big help to us all, is testing. We
> have a release ahead of us that will hopefully be worth upgrading to,
> from both hardy and intrepid. But like said, to make that happen, we
> will need testers :-)
> All the best from your dedicated backportman,
> Khashayar
> [1]
> --
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