Announcement: Ardour 2.7.1 will land in hardy + intrepid

wayne wayne at
Tue Jan 20 19:57:01 GMT 2009

thanks for your help.  will definitely try out the new packages once
they are in the Hardy repos.

peace, w

On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 15:05 +0100, Khashayar Naderehvandi wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce that Ardour 2.7.1 has been accepted for
> backporting to Hardy as well as Intrepid [1]. It should end up in the
> appropriate repos anytime soon.
> This is hopefully the beginning of a more active backporting effort
> within Ubuntu Studio. It seemed important to me to get this particular
> package through to start with, as it's one of the most important ones
> in a DAW context. If there are packages that you want to see
> backported, please let me know and I'll try to get the ball rolling.
> Just remember that libraries and such (e.g. jack) won't be backported.
> Just a couple of weeks back, I was a regular user who needed
> up-to-date packages. I started looking into how I could build the
> jaunty packages locally for myself. But why not share, when the
> packages are built, I thought. After an email to this list, I was
> invited to work more closely with the dev group. The step from "using"
> to "sharing" is small, and the step from "sharing" to working more
> officially was smaller than I thought. I've realized that it's not too
> hard to make a difference. In fact, the easiest thing one could do,
> which would nevertheless be a very big help to us all, is testing. We
> have a release ahead of us that will hopefully be worth upgrading to,
> from both hardy and intrepid. But like said, to make that happen, we
> will need testers :-)
> All the best from your dedicated backportman,
> Khashayar
> [1]
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